Where in the world is Mrs. Griffin San Diego?
One of the most interesting and entertaining elements of this story is the fact that Denise Griffin, Reggie Bush's mother, vacated the $757,000 house she was "leasing" from sports agent Michael Michaels the day after being questioned by a reporter from Yahoo! Sports. Not exactly what you would assume an innocent person does.

We at the LSUoverUSC Blog find all such hearsay to be a sad commentary on the state of affairs in America. To clear things up, we sent out our top investigative team, and using the most up-to-date spy tactics, have ascertained where she is staying. As we reported on Sunday night shortly after she vacated her house, she was seen and photographed by the LSUoverUSC Blog team being picked up by an unknown man in a white Ford Bronco.

We were unable to obtain from neighbors the name of the residency's owner. However, the neighbors said that there was a long-time houseguest staying there, and his name is "K." After further investigation, we have discovered that person to be none other than Kato Kaelin.

I can't wait to see you write about this latest USC fuck up. hahahaha. nice clean program at usc
USC is an embarrassment to all colleges.
Nice article, BTW. Had me LOL out loud.
ESPN is an ABSOLUTE joke.
I'm not a big conspiracy theorist but something is definitely wrong here. ESPN is located in Bristol, Connecticut are they not? So there should be no issues with local bias here. The problem is ESPN stopped reporting the news in college football and started jumping on bandwagons and creating hype machines. Now it seems like they don't want to contradict themselves by just reporting the news like they did with Tennessee, Ohio State, etc.
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