V Day: LSU acknowledged as only 2003 Champ

For years, the entire USC argument was rooted in the BCS webpage, which said that USC split the 2003 National Championship with LSU. Not so fast, my friends! After years and years of campaigning, emailing, and writing, the LSUoverUSC Team can claim Victory! According to the BCS contract that USC signed, the winner of the National Championship Game is the one and only National Champion, at least for those who agree to the contract. USC was one such team.

Now that the thin, weak, and barren thread USC fans have grasped to for years is gone, will they still claim the 2003 National Championship? Probably, but USC has never been known for its integrity. They still claim 11 NCs. But if LSU counted NCs as USC does, LSU would have 6! See the Official NCAA Champions Page (notice since 1998, the BCS is listed in bold and first).
One may wonder why such a change was made. Was it because legal action was threatened against the BCS if it did not uphold its own contract with LSU? Or was it because the BCS is now linked with Fox, and not ESPN/ABC, who has a contract with USC?
The LSUoverUSC campaign is officially over. We can all rest at night knowing that truth and justice have prevailed.

Now USC has nothing to cling to!
LSU was the only NC in 2003. Everyone knows it. The contract USC signed says so.
ONEPeat. You might be on to something here
Not on to anything, we've been in contact with the BCS and it was our efforts that brought this change about. it really isn't a change, but a true application of the BCS contract USC agreed to.
you have copyright violations, and slander, please remove or your host will be notified, this is a legal warning.
USC loses the argument so they try these scare tactics instead. Admit you lost. No wonder they call you u of spoiled children.
legal warnings have names attached, information, and tell you what copyrights you've broken. nothing on here as far as i can see have broken any of that. this guy is making threats at you because he doesnt want you to express your thoughts. he must be scared of him. so i say don't let him scare you. keep up the good work.
Let's forget for a moment that 2003 USC lost to an unranked, six loss team. And we'll forget that they only played ONE (that is in one single team -- Washington State, lol) ranked team all season.
USC fans' argument has been reduced to that of a mention of them on a sidepage of the BCS website, that has now been changed to say that LSU was the only National Champion in 2003!! About time they began abiding by their own contract. Amazing how silent USC guys get went you mention that webpage or the BCS contract or the actual merit of both teams.
Here's an analogy. Let's say you're in an office pool. All the guys around you are playing. But your boss doesn't allow you to do an office pool. Well, when the winner of that office pool goes to receive his $$$$, are you going to refuse him and say he isn't the "official" winner because the boss did not sanction the event? No. He's the champion because you guys, the participants, came together to create that pool. And the winner of that pool, regardless of whether or not your boss was involved, is the champion.
But, whoaa Nellie! Something comes up! Your pal Jimmy in processing finished in 3rd place. But after realizing that he could have been the champion had one game gone another way, he quickly proclaims himself the winner. And then he gets all the guys in processing to back him. They come storming down to complain and they all say, "Jimmy is the champ." Does that make him the champion?
Absolutely not. You go by the rules you agreed to before the competition began.
So it is with USC. They agreed to the BCS as the system which would determine the top two teams at the end of the year. USC's season was so weak that OU, a team that lost a game by 4 TDs, was considered more worthy to be in that Championship Game. No matter what the media or USC says, the BCS contract says it all.
LSU, the only legitimate and meritorious National Champion in 2003.
Dude didn't you quit working on this campaign that nobody cares about? I thought you stopped because you had OCD, were in a deep depression and were unemployed? Forgive Trojan fans for being over it, they've got better things to worry about than what happened in 2003 - like hmmm maybe playing in a third straight national title game?
Wow, you still exist? LOL I guess the OCD thing was a ruse, but you seriously need to see a doctor. 3 years have passed for the rest of the world. It's 2006 and USC and LSU are still co-champions. Sorry.
Refractor, congrats on a return to the normal mediocrity that is Texas football. Too bad you don't have a team without VY.
The way I look at it is this.
Where does the NCAA get its legitimacy from?
From the colleges that created it and gave it the power it has.
Where do the conferences get their legitimacy from?
From the colleges that created it and gave it the power it has. Some conferences choose to have conference championship games, and it is according to those rules that the participants are chosen. It's not who is ranked higher in the human polls. It's who has the best conference record. And the winner of the CCG is awarded the conference championship regardless of if another team in the conference is ranked higher. If Arkansas beats Florida tonight, you will have LSU ranked higher, but still not the SEC Champ.
So where does the BCS get its legitimacy from?
From the colleges that created it and gave it the power it has. That power is in putting on a National Championship Game. The schools came together to create and legitimate the BCS. And all the schools agree every season before the season starts on a formula that will determine who the top two teams are. That formula is not a simple "Who the human polls say are #1 and #2" and that's for good reason. The human polls are often ignorant or biased. There has to be an objective component, so the computers are used to try to work out the biases and ignorance of the human voters.
Anyway, because the BCS contract says there is only one champion, I agree with LSU fans who say that they are the only 2003 National Champion. We need to start viewing the BCS as something like the NCAA or any conference. It is a creation of the schools involved, and they remit their power to the BCS in order to put on a NCG that crowns a NC. How can a school that agrees to the BCS then say, "No, we're National Champs because some group gave us a title." Imagine if LSU fans started claiming this year's SEC Championship over Arkansas or Florida because they are ranked higher. It just doesn't make sense or follow logically.
lsu vs. usc in Rose Bowl will be a defensive battle. looking forward to it.
Damn, guess not. How did you assholes get lucky enough to play Notre Dame? Enjoy your victory. Go easy on them. :-)
I am a HUGE lsu fan. But man, it's been three years. Get over it.
lsuoverusc? HA! When? Once in 2003 and probably this year?
I know, I along with this blog, sucks.
USC fans: Boycott this blog. It used to be fun and somewhat fair, but now all fraser does is delete the posts that make him cry. : (
Lswho? Who is LSU? -Your average college football fan who doesn't live in close proximity to a Waffle House or a meth lab.
u sir r an idiot! go tigers yes finally we rregognized thank ufor this blodg man
If you count NC's like we do, you might have 6, but we would still have 11. If you count them like you do, we would have 7 and you would have 2. Take your pick, sad little tiger. lol
P.S. Count heisman winners, all-americans, and notable pro alumni the same way we do, and you might have half as many of those as well.
"Pete Carroll. He's just too good. He's just too damn good. I wish we had him. Miles is too busy thinking about the Arizona Cardinals." - Your average LSwho? fan
TRADITION, TRADITION, TRADITION is why $aban will come back to coach Alabama and why he will never go back to LSwho? He will now be coaching among the elite programs in college football such as Notre Dame, USC, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, etc.
Congrats on your first upper tier bowl win in 3 years. Fortunately for you, the computers spit out another unworthy opponent.
I did not know it was a three way split? According to the link you provided it says LSU, USC, and Oklahoma were all NCAA champions!
I bet Joe McKnight ends up a Trojan.
set us up with some SEC roadkill. It's our favorite!
Jesus. This board is dead. No attacks on usc by lswho? fans. They must have actually accomplished something finally.
Team of the 00's....
i work fo da oklahomo state office of finance
I work for your mother, actually. Now go back to hunting possum.
Grand Wizard Saban, while working under the racist facility known as lsu, denies racist comment...
I am not a loser - Louisiana native Joe McKnight
Lswho's glory years; 2002-2003
First Fight On Trojans!, what ever happens with investigations and issue that are surrounding the team, oh well would still be a fan and serve our probation period and probably come back and stomp on people. In looking at this website what are you thinking, it’s funny that you say that USC is not a national championship because the BCS picked LSU, okay if that true then why is there an asterisk next to USC championship when they did win the BCS, you had Auburn and Utah. Looking at your logic USC is the only national champion, but you must have some problem with USC so you put that there. In placing that there you’re allowing for people to second guess the BCS and than LSU is not a true national champion. Again let it go back to back national champs Fight On Trojans. By the way LSU sucks, you can even keep your coach there, oh wait he came back to the conference to coach at Alabama.
Here are some facts about LSU
All time record .631
Bowl Record 19-18-1 oh look you have a winning record
National Champs 2 nuff said
Conference champs 9 join the SEC in 1933 you’re a power house in your conference
Heisman Trophy 1
All American 19
Let look at Southern Cal
All time record .697
Bowl Record 29-16
National Champs 11
Conference champs 34
Heisman Trophy 7
All American do I really have to talk about this
So lets review your school sucks, your not elite, your own recruits leave your state, a hurricane hit you and your still living in trailers, your considered the backwoods of America, you won a split national championship, and when things are said and done twenty years from now, you would just be a trivia questions, when this question is ask, what team shared the national championship with USC in 2003, answer LSU.
Recruits go to USC for academics, the best head coach in the country, and tradition. Recruits go to lsu because, like every other sec school, you only need an 18 on your act to get in.
On your one-pete sign below, after 2003, you need to add * Boise St. also one loss.
recruits go to USC because they know that they will be paid by boosters and not have to play in a real conf like the SEC. See Joe McKnight
Recruits go to lsu to be heckled by racist fans. Every sec team SC has played, they've killed.
"Recruits go to lsu to be heckled by racist fans"
Someone needs to get a reality check and leave the west coast sometime. We heckle anyone that doesnt bleed purple and gold-black, white, or red. Lsu Has beaten every Pac 10 school as well
Yes, it is a fact that lsu is a racist facility and has a racist fan base. As far as your reference to beating every pac 10 school as well (great escapes against ASU and Oregon St. WOW!), what is your point? You're the one bragging about how great and superior your conference is, not me.
..and where to u base ur facts that LSU is racist? U r flat wrong and until u show some proof u will continue to look like the jackass that u are.
Who's the jackass, jackass? Maybe this is one reason why the most highly touted football player in the state of Louisiana in years signed with USC (other than for tradition and respect, of course.) Lsu is a racist facility. The only nc you had in the last 50 years was a result of some serious help from the refs. Nick Saban was, is, and always will be a cheater (stole enhanced audio tapes from the Patriots) and a liar (I will not go to Alabama).
McKnight went to USC for he will have less competition. WOuld u rather run against SEC defenses or those soft Pac 10 defenses. We all know the answer to that question. And ho did we win our NC with the help of refs by the way? Sounds like crying to me.
That '03 Sugar Bowl was full of some seriously shady calls. Watch the game again.
The lsuoverusc team can finally claim victory! For the first time in the history of college football, they finished above USC in a college football poll (not sure why)!
you arent sure why? why dont u compare the wins and losses....and yea LSU won tha whole BCS championship game....
I was referrring to this year, dude. And no, not even that year did they finish above USC in any poll but the bcs.
"The lsuoverusc team can finally claim victory! For the first time in the history of college football, they finished above USC in a college football poll (not sure why)! "
Maybe because USC lost to 2 cupcakes, and LSU lost to the NC and Auburn? Just a hunch though....
Logical point, however, just like in '03, you finished the year playing a team in an upper tier bowl game who, though no fault of your own, had no business being there. UCLA is an average team, yes, but not that you know what it's like to have an actual rival or anything.
"UCLA is an average team, yes, but not that you know what it's like to have an actual rival or anything.
Yes Auburn, Bama, Arkansas are just friendly rivals to us
Auburn's rival is Alabama and vice versa. They do not consider you a rival. Arkansas considers Texas more of a rival than you. Sorry. Stick with La. Lafayette or Tulane.
actually know Arkansas considers us thier main rival. Look it up before shit spews out of your mouth next time. Thats why we play for the boot every Friday after Thanksgiving.
WOW! Real storied rival there! Arkansas/Alabama. Sounds up there with the caliber of OU/Texas, USC/ND, Oh. St/Michigan. lol Go steal someones credit card.
wow go commit a couple of more recruiting violations
Lsu is a recruiting violation in and of itself. You only need an 18 on your ACT to get in. Tell your classy fan base to go throw some more Pabst Blue Ribbon beer bottles at Tennessee's busses next time they come to town.
I went to USC for academics- Joe McKnight
John David Booty yesterday
Joe McKnight today
Laron Byrd tomorrow
Poor tiggers :-(
Not necessarily what you predict the NCAA will give them, but what do you think USC deserves for all their corruption, including, but not limited to:
1. Bushgate http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/news?slug=ys-bushprobe
Reggie Bush receives over $300,000 in cash and gifts from agents he met while playing at USC. Hard for USC not to know about this, especially considering USC coaching staff knew agents were in the USC locker room. Payments began in November 2004. Other players, including Winston Justice, are thought to be part of the receiving end from New Era, who gave Bush some money. Bush received money from other agents as well.
2. 14 Karat Jarrett http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=2486792
Dwayne Jarrett receives over $18,000 in cash from a USC booster.
3. Ting Steroid Dynasty http://cbs2.com/ncaa/local_story_214191823.html
USC defensive back, Ting, tests positive for steroids. He and USC a week before the story broke out, said that he would be retiring from football to study medicine. Ting's father was Barry Bonds' doctor.
4. Winston Criminal Justice http://www.ocregister.com/ocr/sections/sports/college/article_351260.php
Starting tackle arrested for soliciting prostitution and assaulating a fellow USC student with a deadly weapon. Didn't stop him from starting at USC.
5. Frostee Ruck-her-up http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2493684
Starting DL, Frostee Rucker is arrested for domestic abuse in April 2006 for a crime he committed in August 2005. Despite his crimes, he did not miss a second of the 2005 season. Before coming to USC, he was expelled from Colorado State for molesting a girl. But he became an immediate starter at USC.
Seems USC has criminals or violations at just about every position on the field.
John David Booty yesterday
Joe McKnight today
Laron Byrd tomorrow
Poor tiggers :-(
Not even your own state's players are buying into your fabricated stories! :-( Go shout racial slurs at your fellow alumni. If you get bored doing that, go steal some credit cards or try to talk your coach into not jumping ship to the NFL after this next three loss season. LOL
Nick Saban is human garbage.
Les Miles is a real class act! Cussing and insulting an 11 year old girl. He fits right in with the rest of the classless trash in red stick. Those comments are really goint to bite him in the ass when he leaves that shithole for a respectable school like Michigan. I cannot fucking wait to see SC kick the living SHIT out of lsu in their home state come January if the matchup happens. God I hope it does.
Cal-Tenn. proves my point. SEC defenses aren't any better than any other conference's. Their offenses just suck that much worse.
USC-Stanford. What was your point again?
Yeah, too bad an overrated Florida couldn't go into Meth Valley and pull it off. I guess the death threats to Tebow's cell phone did work.
Ryan Perriloot counterfeit money is better than real money.
Im gave up the computer for lent. In the meantime dont eat at chain restaurants.
LSU was the only 2003 National Champion.
1. USC agreed to the BCS contract.
2. BCS contract explicitly states that the winner of the National Championship Game is the one and only National Champion.
3. USC agreed to the formula the BCS uses to decide the #1 and #2 teams in America at the end of the regular season.
4. USC was not ranked either #1 or #2 in the only ranking that mattered. This was a result of USC playing only ONE ranked team all season AND losing to an unranked, six loss team. Had USC played two ranked teams, they would have been ranked #1 or #2. If USC hadn't lost to the unranked, six loss team, they would have been ranked #1.
5. Because USC did not earn a #1 or #2 ranking, they did not make it to the National Championship Game.
6. Because USC did not play in the National Championship Game, they did not win the National Championship.
So why do these USC fans continue to claim the 2003 National Championship, which LSU rightfully earned and won?
Because the AP voted them #1? Since the BCS was created and authorized by all the major college presidents and athletic directors, the AP title is obsolete. It has the same worth as the Dunkel or Golfer's Digest titles. The AP has no authority except that which it gives itself. The colleges did not authorize it, like the other various sources, to hand out titles, so why do you mention it in the same breath as the BCS?
1980s: None
1990s: None
2004: First NC in nearly 30 years is soon to be forfeited for USC's lack of institutional control.
Here are the pertinent links, showing a history of rampant corruption, dishonesty, and unethical behavior in the USC Athletic Department:
1.Lack of institutional control throughout USC AD: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncaa/news/story?id=4055102
2. Reggie Bush Receipts: http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/news?slug=ys-bushdocuments011008&prov=yhoo&type=lgns
3. Steroid scandal attempted coverup: http://cbs2.com/sports/ncaa/Brandon.Ting.Steroids.2.519899.html
4. Known rapist recruited to play for USC: www.bruinsnation.com/story/2006/7/3/11827/10102
There are more, but that's enough for now.
2003: LSU was the only 2003 National Champion.
1. USC agreed to the BCS contract.
2. BCS contract explicitly states that the winner of the National Championship Game is the one and only National Champion.
3. USC agreed to the formula the BCS uses to decide the #1 and #2 teams in America at the end of the regular season.
4. USC was not ranked either #1 or #2 in the only ranking that mattered. This was a result of USC playing only ONE ranked team all season AND losing to an unranked, six loss team. Had USC played two ranked teams, they would have been ranked #1 or #2. If USC hadn't lost to the unranked, six loss team, they would have been ranked #1.
5. Because USC did not earn a #1 or #2 ranking, they did not make it to the National Championship Game.
6. Because USC did not play in the National Championship Game, they did not win the National Championship.
The nurse in that historic photo has now passed away.
I guess ESPN and USC ultimately won by sending you packing from their site. Pity USC is way ovverrated this year. We could use you
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