Baghdad Pete tells USC fans not to worry
In a shocking new development, it appears a full 24 hour period went by yesterday without one new allegation of impropriety regarding the Southern Cal football team. USC still managed to make the news, however. Pete Carroll, from this point on aka "Baghdad Pete" has said, "I'm not concerned" about what the NCAA will find at USC. Baghdad Pete continued, "There are no NCAA infidels in Los Angeles. Never! I blame Al-Yahoo! Sports -- they are marketing for the USC haters! And no I am not scared, and neither should you be! Be assured. USC is safe, protected! I triple guarantee you, there are no NCAA soldiers at USC."

Thanks for that reassurance, Pete. But reality check for just a sec. In the past week, your star running back has been accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in money from an agent, which would make him ineligible for the 2004 and 2005 seasons. Your star wide receiver, whose eligibility for this coming year is at stake, has taken over $10,000 from a USC booster for his apartment rent. Your projected starting quarterback has been arrested for sexual assault. Your star offensive lineman for the past two season, the one who was previously arrested for solicitation of prostitution and threatening a fellow student with a deadly weapon, is also implicated in taking money from an agent. The bad news, Pete, is that the NCAA hasn't even begun to peel the surface on this corruption. The cancer of this program is not from without; it is from within, with a coach that puts the P-A-Y in players' coach. It is from a coach that thinks it is funny to scare his players by having one player pretend to quit the team and commit suicide by jumping off a building. A coach that teaches his players not to abide by contracts and rules (cf. the BCS in 2003). A coach that is happy to invite known drug dealer and gang member Snoop Dogg to his sidelines for practices and games. Pete, this falls at your door. You have lost institutional control of your program.
oh snap, that was funny
whatever losers keep using my name because you have to ride the coat tails of usc and it's fans. we're better looking, smarter, richer, and we're your bosses. i'm going to fire my lsu menial employee today. hahahaha. get a life. usc owns you.
what a bunch of redneck sleep with their sister 2 toothed hillbillies. time to break out the moonshine and get on up for the bayou bungals. you would die to go to a real school like USC and live in a real city like L.A.
you forgot to mention how he had oj simpson visit and talk with the team like 3 years ago when carson palmer was there
Nothing wrong with that.
OJ did nothing.
Anonymous is only half right. And going to USC wasn't the right half.
Regarding the Winston Justice taking money: I haven't heard anything on this before.
Do you have a source for this information?
oh man
oh man
o baby! o!
usc fans are officially ruined
and yet, usuc fans keep coming over to this blog to argue in the hopes of validating their dirty program.
fuck you dude
I guess little Chrissy and Stevie are totally clean. They never lie or exaggerate. They never try to re-write history. They would never degrade another school for their own gain. They would never ignore facts and make up their own. Oh, no. These two young laddies are soooo sweet and innocent. Just ask them.
lol, look at the bcs contract.
dont agree to a system and then not follow the rules b ecause the outcome isnt the one you wanted
spoiled children
Here we go again. The BCS contract provides the championship for the coaches and does not exclude the AP. You know it so just stop your misinformation.
Anon, you are right. They are friggin' liars from the top down.
Only in the South could LSU Fan be crying over sharing a National Championship three YEARS later. NC have been shared since college football began. And USC got jobbed by a computer. After this all blows over, USC will still be a premiere college football program. Envy is such an ugly thing.
You see, young Chris has OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder. The problem is that there are no public funds available in LA to help him get treatment so this blog is his only outlet. He can't let it go and keeps repeating misinformation. I would suggest donations to help him obtain the medical care he so desperately needs. We could put up a billboard asking for help for this poor kid.
All this from a fan of a "school" whose coaches use it like a whore while they are dreaming about their next nfl offer the whole time they're there. lol
Alright go ahead and delete that, bayou inbred.
I like the espn2 logo on there. An lsu figure on an espn, or any sports media outlet for that matter, would'nt make any sense. No one cares about lsu with the exception of people in Louisiana.
bcs championship is the only meaningful championship. it's awarded on the field before any vote of the coaches. coaches poll is superfluous now.
welcome to the bcs era.
where usc is 1-1 and is about to be stripped of that one win.
That's only your ignorant OPINION. No facts whatsoever. Just because you say it doesn't make it correct. There you go again-substituting opinion for fact. Nice try but we're not letting you get away with it. BTW, the Coaches' poll is part of the BCS. HAHA!!! The AP is completely separate.
AP is the only meaningful championship. It's not filled with bogus crap like the BCS. And yes, teams do want to play in the BCS game because it guarantees you get to play for at least half of the championship. But the AP, in my opinion, is the Gold Standard but unfortunately, only counts for one of two championships in today's bogus BCS era.
Created and agreed to by all major teams.
Awards championship on the field to winner of National Championship Game.
That's all the authority in the world.
AP: obsolete, illegitimate group of 65 media voters who choose a beauty queen.
Here we go with your stupid circular "debate" style. You damn well know the AP is legit so your next claim will be that LSU is "better" than USC which is completely irrelevant. Then you will go the the contract argument (and misquote it). Then you will go to the "obsolescence" of the AP. Then the opinion that it "doesn't count anymore." Then you will circle back around to the beginning without admitting that even the BCS recognizes the AP and the fact that your comments are either mistatements or opinions. It's just a big circle and you hope your opponents jump off before you go back to the beginning. Sorry, you flunked debate 101.
Chrissy and Stevie, neither one of you is that smart (smartasses) and you are known all over the web as jackasses. Why do you keep going? Even LSU fans think you are embarrassments.
1. BCS is the only legitimate purveyor of national championships since its inception.
2. BCS chooses the two most deserving teams each year to play in the National Championship Game.
3. Had USC played more than one ranked team during its 2003 season or had it not lost to a unranked, six loss team, USC would have earned a berth in the National Championship Game.
4. USC did not earn a spot in the Championship Game. Therefore, USC could not win the Championship.
5. USC won 2 beauty contests in 2003. LSU won 9.
6. Those contests don't matter because the BCS is all that matters, according to the contract teams like USC and LSU agreed to.
usc fans really have a hard time following a coherent argument. they've been owned time and time again, and all they can say is, "The AP DOES matter! I know it does!"
1. Your opinion.
2. Not always. There have been mistakes. This, by the way is the BCS national championship game for the Coaches' poll.
3. Yes, and it is so convoluted, if Hawai'i had beaten Bosise State the computer would have selected them, too. One computer had Miami of Ohio ranked higher than USC. Brilliant.
4. USC was not in the BCS championship game thus could not wint the BCS championship. The AP was not affected.
5. So what? Not relevant unless you want to have a theoretical argument as to which was better. It doesn't matter once the votes have been counted. It might anger you but that's tough.
6. An absolute lie. The AP was never excluded and the BCS recognizes the split. The BCS rules and contract are clearly for the BCS championship game. The AP votes after. Once again, you might not like or agree with the AP but that is your opinion and does not reflect reality.
And to the prior anon, you are the one that cannot follow reality. The argument presented by this blog is meaningless and does not reflect reality.
usc fans have a learning disability I think.
it is a rotten shame USC penned its name on that BCS contract. had they not, they might have some sway in their argument.
The contract does not exclude the AP and the BCS recognizes the AP and the split. USC and the other schools agreed to the BCS to decide the coaches' portion. Period. Even at the time is was noted that the BCS would "minimize" splits yet it happened. You will never find BCS language speaking of "eliminating" splits as they knew there was no guarantee. Also, the AP was never rejected at any time, before or after the 2003 season and the BCS never said word one. You can't get over that one, even with your tinfoil "media conspiracy" assertion. And yes, I have called the BCS offices which you won't do. I couldn't take you anymore so I went to the horse's mouth. You should try calling--you won't be happy with the answer.
BTW, that learning disability argument is a hoot. Much like your OCD problem.
Now there will be silence for awhile until someone else brings this up when it will start all over again.
still usuc fans come over here for validation and to argue....WHEN WILL THE MADNESS STOP??? If you really believe all the BS that spouts out of your rapist trojan mouths, why don't you just stop visiting this site. I for one, enjoy you southern boys and your humor regarding of the ribbed condoms.
The ENTIRE PURPOSE of coming up with the BCS is clear. It was to avoid past "controversies" over who the National Champion is. $C and the PAC10 signed on to that. You can say whatever you want about the AP not being excluded, but this is the FACT for the existence of the BCS. Like it or not, there is one national champ and in 2004 it was LSU. $C has won exactly ONE national championship in the last 3 years (and won't win another for a long, long time).
I can't wait for the NCAA to forfeit all of SUC's games for 2005. 0-12 has such a nice ring for a program so corrupt that it would make a Louisiana politician blush.
usc fans are a joke. they bought the media lies and think they won in 2003? umm, yeah, you have to win the champ game. all college fans know that
Am I the only one who ever gets tired of hearing about USC's seven hundred national championships? Have you people even LOOKED at the ones that they claim!?
Lets see (in reverse chronological order) ... the first two are obvious:
#1) 2004, unanimous (looks on the path to being revoked)
#2) 2003, AP
#3) 1978 - Alabama earned AP honors, the highest regarded poll of the era.
#4) 1974 - same situation as above, but with Oklahoma.
#5) 1972 - legitimate
#6) 1967 - legitimate
#7) 1962 - legitimate
#8) 1939 - (recently lobbied for this one, for no apparent reason) ... mostly all consider Texas A&M the champion this year.
#9) 1932
#10) 1931
#11) 1928 - mostly all consider Georgia Tech the champion this year.
So, as you can see, USC has a grand total of four (4) national championships that can even be considered concensus. The championships from the thirties have about as much worth as my roll of quilted toilet paper. There are a vast number of schools that claim championships from this era, even if only one poll voted them champion. They are meaningless.
Furthermore, the 70s championships that USC claims are ludicrous, since those Alabama and Oklahoma teams for those years were virtually unstoppable.
To the person who wrote that USC is the "team of the 70s" in either this thread or another ... wow. Only two teams come to mind when the 70s are brought up and that's Alabama and Oklahoma. Oklahoma claims only two in the 70s, but was voted champion by dozens of polls in '73 and '78. Alabama is in a similar situation. Nebraska *might* be a candidate, as well.
If anything, USC was the team of the 60s, much like Oklahoma was the team of the 50s. Unfortunately, other notable programs like Alabama, Texas, and Ohio State featured multiple championships during the 60s. There really wasn't a clear-cut dominant team during this period.
When USC has their '04 championship revoked, I'm going to laugh. A lot.
I think it's particularly unfair to college-bound players (and fans, too) to be mislead and lured to programs that claim pre-40s/50s championships. It's just a way for programs to bloat their national championship numbers and create a false sense of tradition and legacy.
I remember when OU played USC in the '05 Orange Bowl, and they introduced USC as having something like thirteen national championships (by ABC's records, I guess). That's even more than friggin' Notre Dame, and they have eight (4) from pre-1940. Absolutely silly.
Ah, well. That's my two cents.
Notrte Dame has 12. USC beat the crap out of Alabama in 1978. Pre-1950 championships count. You are and idiot.
And yes, I'm an Irish fan and respect but don't hate USC and want to beat them by 100 points. It takes elite to know elite.
It looks like when your ass has been handed to you in an argument you have to resort to personal attacks. There's nothing more satisfying to see!!!
Well, I'm glad I'm "and idiot", and I'm glad that you're an Irish fan. If it wasn't for your school, who knows how many consecutive wins Oklahoma would've had in the fifties? Now, please go ahead and return to hailing your past glory days. After the Irish circle-jerk their way through a patty cake schedule next season, it'll be fun to watch them get demolished in a prominent bowl AGAIN (I can only hope it's a BCS bowl).
As for your other claims ... yes, USC beat Alabama in 1978, 24-14. Not exactly the dominance you described. It also wasn't a bowl victory, and it was early in the season, if memory serves. They had the same record as Alabama, yet every single major poll picked Alabama (except the UPI, which picked USC). USC's loss on the season? Arizona State, later in the season. Eep.
I hope you realize that if all every program used USC's counting method, we'd have like 60 or 70 different champions from only 30 years of college football.
That doesn't make any sense at all. If Oklahoma claimed a national championship in every year a poll named them as one, they'd have 16.
And while we're at it, lets go ahead and count the championships from the 1800s - 1910s. That would make programs like Harvard the winningest championship programs. That makes even *more* sense.
All of this is a moot point, though. USC fans like yourself will continue to manifest this delusional sense of superiority, even after your '04 championship gets revoked. No matter, though, I'm sure USC will still claim it.
I don't think AP, UPI, BCS and Dickenson are just "any" selectors. Those are the ones USC counts except 1932 which was consensus after an undefeated season. In fact, compared to most schools (including Alabama and Pittsburgh) they have been extremely circumspect in their recognition of NCs. There are seven or eight more that they don't count. ONLY the majors. Yes, Dickenson too. They were the major selector at the time until AP came along in 1935 because it was felt by some that voting fao a NC was more representative than a mathematical formula. The more things change the more they stay the same....And the ND guy is right. They have 12 and ND has historically been one of the most humble in its recognition of NCs as well. (But I'm not calling you an idiot.)
usc fans are really making me laugh today. who cares who is getting on your case trojan fans? because if they are LSU fans or if the are Temple fans (who might have more wins than USC in 05) they are getting under your skin and you can't take it. why not go get in your car and get in a high speed chase. thats the only good thing to come out of california. i love watching those LA speed chases. not jokin
And if we don't respond we're called cowards. Thanks for the advice, ribbed. I'm heading down to the beach for dinner.
I'd agree about Notre Dame being humble with respect to national championships, considering how many they actually recognize ...
But I wouldn't say USC has been particularly conservative with their claims.
I guess I'm a bit biased on the point, since the only ones Oklahoma claims are AP titles and the most recent BCS title. To me, the AP title was the most meaningful up until the inception of the BCS. Technically, USC does have a legitimate claim to their '03 title, since it was the AP voters that voted them, not themselves, but that doesn't mean that I think it's right. There was most assuredly cohersion in their favor involved.
I guess I brought the hammer down on ND a bit harsh in my previous post. I just can't stand it when they enter the spotlight ... last season was a good year for them, but they still lost their bowl game. It reminds me of the 2000 season when they won 8 in a row only to lose three of their last five. Tremendous bandwagon effect at that school. Charlie Weis drops in, Brady Quinn has a great season, and suddenly they're locks for a title next season? 'Sup, kool-aid?
As an SC guy, we like Oklahoma. You guys have seven NCs and we certainly recognize and respect them. Nothing but good things about your fans from the 2005 Orange Bowl! We shared many beers together.....
I believe this blog was created because the writers believe sc fans use college football as a lifeline like they do instead of a means of entertainment. I can still hear them bitching in 30 years "USC does'nt have 20 national championships. LSU won it in 2003!"
USC is the team of the 00's. If you do not agree with this, back up your argument intelligently and state who you believe is. USC has had as many or more all-americans this decade than any other team. They have 3 heisman trophy winners this decade. They won a BCS bowl game(Orange Bowl) over the big 10 champion, Iowa (sorry you should have called Pete for some advice, Nick.) They won another BCS bowl game (Rose Bowl) in 2003 over Big 10 champ, Michigan to be awarded the AP national championship. They won another BCS bowl game (another Orange Bowl) in 2004 over OU to claim the BCS championship. They played in another BCS bowl game (Rose Bowl) for the national championship which is considered by many the best college football game ever. Who has had a better track record this decade? This will be challenging, lsu fans, but I want to hear some intelligent arguments. I don't want to hear "usc sucks" or
"lsu rules, bitch. We won it in 2003", etc.
USC in the 00's:
1 national championship
A bunch of meaningless individual awards based on hype and media coverage
6th highest winning percentage in college football (tied with LSU)
Soon to have the nation's longest losing streak
Miami, Oklahoma, and Ohio State have all had a better decade.
Let's give it up. This blog was created by SC haters for SC haters. By definition there can be no intelligent dialogue, especially when the argument is a phony one to begin with.
So you're saying it was created for every college football fan outside, but not limited to Los Angeles. I agree.
Only parts of Los Angeles! But I guess you're right about the rest except for the USC alumni clubs....
By the way, which school is "Blue"? Michigan? We like them.
"You've owned us. I cannot say anything else."
Not at all. Just that this whole thing is stupid. You don't "own" us or anyone else. How did you get that "translation?" Great imagination I'm sure.
If USC fans are so pissed about what people are saying on this site, then y do you all read it, much less comment on it?
Awww, come on. It's the weekend. What fun would it be if it was one-sided, eh? I'm gonna get my Cinco de Mayo shooters. Have a good one!!! Really!
how can you say ou has had a better decade? SC beat them head to head. Ohio State and Miami come close but not quite. Miami or Ohio State have not had any heisman winners. SC has won higher quality bowl games than either ou, miami, or ohio state.
lol. winning percentage, national championships, etc things that matter (not individual awards) are all in the favor of Miami, OU, and Ohio State for the past decade.
USC is a flash in the pan, and one that has a lot of TARNISH on it....Sanchez is guilty is the word on the USC boards.
Yes usc has 2 this decade. Ou has one. Miami has one. Ohio State has one. Are you really just saying individual awards don't matter because lsu never deserves or gets any? Tell the truth.
flash in the pan? You're just a one hit wonder up there with clemson. Or, I meant to say, half-hit wonder.
In the year 2020, after usc will have won their 20th national championship, lsu fans will still be bitching. "They aint won their damn 20th. It's their damn 19th, you sombitches! We won it in 2003!"
Neither Miami, Ohio State, or OU have won and/or been to better bowl games this decade. Come back and argue that. I can guarantee the winning percentage crown will have been won by sc by the end of the decade. Keep hoping for your pathetic wet dream of USC being stripped of their wins to come true. It's your only hope.
USC has only one this decade...and it was gotten by cheating, and it will soon be taken away.
The above mentioned teams have all been to better bowls than USC this decade, and more of them. Get out of Cali and you'll realize that the Rose is not viewed any better than the Fiesta, Orange, or Sugar.
LOL at winning %. USC is FAR from catching up to OU and Miami. By the end of the decade, USC might not even HAVE a fball team due to sanctions etc.
Bowls this decade:
Ohio State:
Outback, Outback, Fiesta, Fiesta, Alamo, Fiesta (3 BCS, 2 second tier, 1 third tier)
Orange, Cotton, Rose, Sugar, Orange, Holiday (4 BCS, 2 second tier bowls)
Sugar, Rose, Fiesta, Orange, Peach, Peach
none in 2000, Las Vegas, Orange, Rose, Orange, Rose (4 BCS, 1 4th tier bowl)
usc fans tend to get owned on these parts. i feel sorry for them.
I really have to wonder why the Southern folk are so obsessed with the term "owning" when it applies to people. I guess it's a quaint Southern tradition.
Got taken away by cheating? lol How? 2003 sugar bowl was taken away from ou by cheating. That game was the most awfully officiated game I've ever seen. I would honestly never watch that game again if I was an lsu fan. I would be embarassed. Makes me wonder if Saban had some crooked shit going on, himself. Honestly. Everytime OU picked up 5 yards, the refs found something to throw a flag over. How about that fumble at the end of the game that was'nt? I love how you lsu fans claimed at first, you would have beaten usc. They have no defense, etc. Then it was, VT's going to kill usc. At the same time, great game against Oregon State. Were there any hurricanes that year you could blame that game on? Then it was, OU is going to kill you. SC played much more impressively defensively against ou's offense than lsu did. OU actually had a running game in '04 and did'nt get crushed 35-7 by anybody the game before. That was the most ultimate in your face shit ever. lsu fans bitching all year about having to share the nc and then SC coming back the next year and winning it all for themselves. lol. Then it was, Texas is going to kill you. They win by 3 points. Now your last resort is "usc isn't going to have any nc's this decade after all this is done." 4 bcs bowls appearances (3 of them won) is better than the next best you could muster up, 3. LSU only has one of those ever. How many Sugar Bowls did LSU go to before the BCS was created? Look up any book on the history of college football and usc is mentioned as a top program. lsu is not even close. You need to change your motto from Tigers Bleaux to "we won it in 2003", because that has become your pathetic battle cry and that 2003 split national championship is the only thing you'll ever be remembered for. The truth is, as serious as you Louisiana good ole' boys take college football, you would suck pete's dick to get him come to your shitty school to coach and stay longer than two years (not that anyone wants to anyway). Like I said before, keep hanging onto your pathetic wet dream of SC being stripped. It's your only hope. p.s. Individual awards do matter. Quit saying that because you don't have any. 3 heisman trophy winners in the past 4 years. LSU, like in every other category, has none to claim. FIGHT ON.
first of all, usc will not have a run at the national title again for some time. I will admit that Bush is possibly the best player I've seen in a long time, except for that pitch against texas, that was retarded. But with USC losing so many starters in the past two years and being in trouble with the ncaa, things arent looking good. When you lose a starting qb and rb and already have a questionable defense, i dont think a championship is in the future. Maybe usc could win the pac 10 but they wont do it undefeated, especially if youre relying on a Booty. I understand how the national championship was split in 03 even though im against it, but i will say that auburn got screwed in 04. auburn had 4 players go in the first round of the draft the following year. theres no way they did not deserve a split championship or a shot at the title against usc instead of a team led by jason white. i think the only way this can be settled is if some sort of playoff is installed. div. 1 college football is the only sport without playoffs that i know of.
Well said! I also have to laugh at how their loss was such a "good" one: By twelve to a crappy Florida team AT HOME. Cal was one-half game worse only because of the Kick-off game with Kansas State. Cal only lost by 14 while K State beat OK by FOUR touchdowns. And the USC loss was in triple overtime at Berkeley. Using their own logic, that means that OK was a far worse team than Cal. But it doesn't matter. Only the votes count.
My last comment was for the 3:48 anon but the 4:05 anon has some very good points, too. I agree that a playoff is needed.
I absolutely agree that Auburn deserved a chance. Just like Miami did in '00. Oregon did in '01, etc. The bcs is a joke. That's something that fans of any team can agree on. I absolutely agree there should be a playoff. USC did win the ap in '03 and there is not a usc fan in his right mind who could deny that we got the short end of the stick and would'nt have rather had the bcs trophy. You're right, I don't think usc will go undefeated next year. They have lost too many starters. I think as good a coach as Carrol is, they won't get blown out by anybody. I'm sorry and I hate to say the kind of stuff I said to lsu fans that have class and don't feel the need to put another team down or hope for them to crumble. Douche bags like the ones running this sight, unfortunately, give you a bad name. To all the good LSU fans, good luck next year. You have just as good as a shot as anyone. I'll even be a good enough sport to admit that I'm glad we're not playing you next year. It would be cool to set up a home and home series a couple years down the road, though. Peace out.
look at my website.
LSU's bowl history in the 2000's
2000 Peach
2001 Sugar
2002 Cotton
2003 Sugar (National Championship)
2004 Capitol One
2005 Peach
2 BCS, 2 second tier bolws, and 2 third tier. Very close to what USC has done in the 2000's.
Let's say you get the following points
BCS - 5
2nd tier 3
3rd tier 2
4th tier 1
So LSU has 20 pts in the 00's.
USC would have 21 pts in the 00's.
Not all that different.
Dont agree with your system.
Why a 2pt drop from the BCS to 2nd tier like Cotton and Capital One, or even the Peach, when it was one of only 3 bowls to have 2 top ten teams?
Last year's Peach was probably better than 2 BCS bowls, so it deserves more than 2 pts.
if individual awards matter so much i guess lsu is now comparatable to duke in basketball because lsu has two former players in the hall of fame. Will be three after shaquille o'neal retires which is more than Duke and Indiana combined. I guess LSU has a better basketball tradition than Duke or Indiana using that logic.
usc fans are all fluff and no substance. they make ridiculous claims, but soon scatter when anyone who has any clue of what is true makes the truth known
listen, dipshit. Write this down and study it if you have to. All the intangibles, winning pct., awards, bowl games, etc. all together matter. When you add up ALL the intangibles, there is not a team with a better track record this decade. If USC is not the team of the decade, who is? LSU has never been able to claim anything except half a national championship in 2003.
Of the 22 starters from LSU's national championship team in 2003, 19 are currently on NFL rosters. USC, the most talented team ever? Only 15.
LOL at you USC fools who bought the media hype all this time.
And you had to CHEAT in order to have the 6th best winning percentage this decade!
Not a dynasty.
Ohio State, Oklahoma, and Miami have all been more impressive in the 2000's.
LSU is about equal. Same winning %. Same number of national championships. But at least LSU didn't have to cheat to get there.
No lsu has 1 1/2 in the past 50 years. usc has at least ten. How many heisman winners do you have? Who is your rival? Is it really La. Lafayette? Why can't your shitty school keep a coach? How did usc cheat? Is that your last pathetic hope? Who got cheated in the 2003 sugar bowl and how many sugar bowls have you been to before the bcs was even created? Your school sucks academically. It sucks at football (except within the past three years). Worst of all, it's in that shithole, Louisiana and that says enough. You poor old louisiana boys need to start begging your mothers for attention and quit crying about how you're not getting enough. Whaa! "we won it in 2003!" Whaa! lol
All jabbing aside by both teams, a young man by the name of Ryan Francis was shot and killed in Baton Rouge this weekend. He's from Baton Rouge, was friends with many of our LSU players and was also the starting point guard for USC. Like many of you, I bleed purple and gold, as I'm sure many others who visit this site bleed red and gold. However, it's important that despite our loyalties, we keep everything in perspective here. I think that some of us get much too caught up in the success or lack thereof of our respective college teams. While we are passionate about these activities, we must realize that when it comes down to it, that's all they are. The loss of life this weekend has really opened my eyes to the tragedies that so many face every day. God speed to Ryan, and may all his friends at both USC and LSU, but most importantly his family, find some kind of peace during this trying time.
Thank you Tigernation. We are devastated out here. Really, what good are national championships and all the other stuff when a kid's life has been taken. I appreciate your perspective and I hope others on this blog will too. We will miss Ryan deeply.
I agree. What a horrible tragedy. Anyone trying to make this a USC/LSU thing is an absolute creep...aka some dude on USC's message board named blemblam. Whatever, it wasn't the time or place, so I left it alone. Much love to all of Ryan's friends and family. I hope they find solace and Ryan finds his place next to God. Peace to them all.
Last line pretty much says it all. This doesn't even scratch the surface. This is just recently.
Byrd involved in a covered up assault against another player where a jaw was broken in a fist fight.....we call that felonius assault and it involves jail time but not if you play football at USC. A mysterious bag of drugs shows up in a players apartment containing over 100 tabs of X-stacy during a rape investigation. Naturally the bag didn't belong to anyone living there. (rolls his eyes)
Lack of institutional control.
I know the article is for humor but there is a certain scary truth going on at USC that only a blind ignorant retarded mongoloid homer would try and say..."nothing to see here. Move along."
"add up all the intangibles"?
What exactly is "intangible"? Is it something you can measure, quantify, or even see?
Or is it nothing? A fart is intangible. So is USC really just a fart in the breeze?? Appeantly so to this delusional USC retarded monkey homer who wouldn't know about football even if a guide were dipped in vasoline and shoved into his rectum.
Stupidity is an epidemic in California it seems.
LMFAO @ "intangibles"
That was just hysterical.
while the article was funny it was interesting because it reveals a certain level of truth about the usc program. it is crashing and burning now. nothing usc can do about it.
Yeah, right. As for your comments about California, just stay away. We don't want you here. We have a good life without eating possumm, douchebag. Go volunteer for Iraq--you belong there.
Couldn't agree more with anon 12:05. I guess Baton Rouge is such a wonderful place where they murder basketball players.
Someone should teach the morons who run this page to read. Steve the moron keeps saying the BCS contract that USC signed, but he has never provided such contract. He says USC is bound by it, but his own link says the BCS is an "arrangement". An arrangement, not a contract, not even an agreement, it's an arrangement. Tries to discredit the A.P., when the BCS is nothing more than a money making tool. It's not even designed to determine a champion. Here we can tell Steve how much of a loser he really is.
We ride again SC sucks!!!
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